
Settling into our ‘new normal’ as Covid Secure

Since early March we have carefully and responsibly implemented procedures and measures to minimise risk of Covid-19. We prepared in early March and were Covid Secure, mid March we then “paused’ to support Gov to ‘flatten the curve’. In April we ‘Cautiously re-opened’ with split shifts in our ‘clean bubble’, and in May we established our ‘new norm’.

From the beginning we ensured that we implemented many procedures to ensure that we were prepared for all aspects of this crisis. These measures involved protecting our workforce as much as possible, with the use of PPE, rigorous cleaning and hygiene rules, regular temperature checking, segregation and splitting shifts to minimise any opportunity for the virus to enter our building and spread.

We had a robust contingency plan in place to minimise risk while maintaining business continuity throughout, this worked well, and as we continued into an ever-changing situation, we were continually evaluating all potential risks and considering how to mitigate them best.
Now in June as we settle in to a ‘new normal’, we have implemented permanent changes to the business to ensure the safety of our employees and visitors. These include one-way systems, procedures for all activity to ensure social distancing, permanent signage and ongoing temperature checks. There are full guides for our employees with training presentations to remind them of their and our obligations to ensure the health of themselves, their families and our business.

The Safety Letterbox Company as a UK manufacturer can confidently say that we will remain Covid Secure until otherwise directed, and as we start to recover our business, we look to Bounce Back Better.
We thank all our customers and suppliers for their understanding and co-operation during this crisis and for supporting UK manufacturing.


No-obligation FREE consultation

We welcome the chance to discuss your project and we can share all that is current in terms of standards and product options totally free of charge.

Simply complete and submit the form and we will get back in touch WITHIN 24 HOURS to talk through your requirements.

We also provide Autocad drawings as required – it’s all part of the service!

Or drop us a quick email: [email protected]

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No-obligation FREE consultation

We welcome the chance to discuss your project and we can share all that is current in terms of standards and product options totally free of charge.

Simply complete and submit the form and we will get back in touch WITHIN 24 HOURS to talk through your requirements.

We also provide Autocad drawings as required – it’s all part of the service!

Or drop us a quick email: [email protected]

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