
Wellness in the workplace | Are you looking out for your employees?

Office mailrooms are overflowing with delivery parcels for employees, and many companies have had to crack down on this.
But should they look ‘outside the box’ to offer a perk to employees and improve their wellbeing ….?
Some major companies have banned personal deliveries to the workplace and who can blame them, with online shopping growing at a staggering speed and an estimated 73%* of parcel volumes being B2C, the largest segment with the fastest growth, this problem is only going one way.

The Brits’ love for online shopping is sending parcel volume forecasts to maintain double-digit yearly growth, rising by 54%* between 2019 and 2023.

If you, your colleagues or employees have tried to discreetly collect a parcel from your office reception or post room to your desk, you will know how awkward this is, and you feel conscious about the disruption and inconvenience. It disturbs your day and that of your colleagues. For the employer, it affects productivity but not allowing it causes stress or requests to leave work early to collect from the depot, local store or neighbour. But the fact is, this is modern life, over 2/3rds* of millennials shop online and that figure is only going one way…up!

Some companies that are overwhelmed with their employees’ online-shopping deliveries have stopped them. Banks, large offices, universities and government departments, have just banned the facility and who can blame them. With the statistics plain to see, its undoubtedly a non-sustainable situation to have repeated deliveries in a building employing many individuals. The constant stream of carriers trying to contact recipients and the disruption it can cause is not viable in any business.

Now in 2020, over 55% of shopping is done online in the UK. The group of 25-34 year-olds are the most active, and they shop on average 8-10 times per month*.

By 2023, research for Royal Mail estimates, 2.3bn* parcels will be sent every year, and a large proportion is sent to people’s workplaces as people have no alternative at home. No wonder employers are banning the facility, and they are employing people to handle employees deliveries; this is also hugely apparent in universities too. Many organisations are now starting to recognise the real cost of having to manage the reception of those deliveries and the financial impact it is having on their business model.

Companies are also known to be charging employees for parcels to be delivered to cover their administration and handling time with many large companies handling hundreds of parcels each week. But Employees and companies ignore it at your peril! There is an essential link between employees happiness, productivity, and reducing the stress associated with online shopping. If organisations provide a facility through an accepted, non-intrusive and traceable solution, this will eliminate stress in the workplace, promote wellness and support the ongoing growth of online shopping.

Intelligent parcel box systems are a complete win, win.

Not only located conveniently in the buildings’ entrance reception or post room, but this 24/7 solution also ensures the carrier delivers first time, every time. Other bonuses include the recipient having live updates; the company offers the facility as a ‘perk’ for employees wellbeing, and the workforce is overall less stressed. Therefore improving productivity, ensuring they are focused on the job in hand, content in the knowledge that at the end of their working day, their parcels are available for collection.

Intelligent parcel boxes, like myRENZbox, can also be branded and wrapped to provide a suitably impressive aesthetic addition to a company foyer, wrapped with their brand colours, logo, image or wellbeing message.
The employee/online shopper is now comfortable, focused and relaxed in their work to focus on the job and allow the system to provide the solution. Giving workers small solutions like this makes a big difference to job satisfaction. Offering intelligent parcel boxes ticks the box for every one employee/shopper, employer, carrier, and helps towards the UK net-zero 2050 goal.

*Royal Mail

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