
‘At Home’ parcel delivery solutions that really do make you say ‘AH’ !

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With the growth of e-commerce already predicted to naturally increase dramatically, Covid presented the UK with an even bigger challenge and accelerated the growth significantly.

Now new build projects are considering mail and parcel delivery solutions as essential and basic infastructure provisions, just like WiFi and EV charging points. Due to the increase however, the large volume of housing stock is also looking at retro-fitting their developments with solutions to deal with the huge problems associated with parcel delivery.

myRENZbox intelligent boxes provide a guaranteed 24/7 solution with full traceability, maximum convenience and the abaility to order and receive your goods for collection when it suits you. No waiting in, no ‘we missed you’, no repeated deliveries or visiting a store or depot to collect a failed delivery. This improves wellbeing, impacts on decarbonisation as the vans deliver first time and the recipient does not travel to pick up, improves efficiency and productivity in the workplace and is secure and traceable.

With 2.8 Billion parcels delivered in the UK in 2019/20 and internet sales peaking at 33% of total sales in May 2020, no developer, student accommodation, large employer or home owner can ignore the problem of parcel delivery that will undoubtably continue to grow.

Citizens Advice (the consumer watchdog) published research in June 2017 which indicated that two thirds of online shoppers had suffered problems with their parcel delivery. Their research showed:

  • 38% of people have had a parcel arrive late – including more than one in ten (16%) who paid for premium delivery service.
  • More than 1 in 10 have received damaged items.
  • More than 1 in 5 had a parcel go missing
  • 28% had a parcel left in an unsecure location
  • 28% were at home but had a note through the door saying the parcel couldn’t be delivered.71

71 Citizens Advice Parcel Delivery: Delivery services in the online shopping market, June 2017

In suggesting a need for further investigation, Citizens Advice made the following recommendations:

  • Failed deliveries could be reduced by investing in community pick- up points and requiring new builds to have a parcel locker.

One very important area is that despite an increased reliance on online shopping, 2 in 3 disabled people in the UK had problems with their parcel deliveries in the previous year. Some of the problems that face disabled people include:

  • Not having enough time to get to the door and so missing the delivery
  • The parcel is left in an inaccessible location
  • Feeling rushed or anxious when signing for parcels92

92 Charlotte WitsØ and Laura Clark, Citizens Advice, The Missing Link: Why parcel companies must deliver for disabled people, 5 December 2019, p8

Parcelbox solutions from The Safety Letterbox Company, offer a range of products to ensure parcel delivery needn’t be a problem with the inclusion of a system to suit any site profile and budget. The ultimate myRENZbox intelligent box system provides the peace of mind, efficiency and control required to future proof any development at home, at work, in a community area, providing the future proofed solution for all locations and users.

Alison Orrells – May 2021

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We also provide Autocad drawings as required – it’s all part of the service!

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No-obligation FREE consultation

We welcome the chance to discuss your project and we can share all that is current in terms of standards and product options totally free of charge.

Simply complete and submit the form and we will get back in touch WITHIN 24 HOURS to talk through your requirements.

We also provide Autocad drawings as required – it’s all part of the service!

Or drop us a quick email: [email protected]

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