
Frequently Asked Questions: How can I increase the security of my post box?

The quantity of items being processed through the mail delivery system has never been greater with orders being placed via e-commerce websites at an all-time high, along with continuingly strong numbers of mail items being sent. This combination has resulted in a situation that requires secure locations for items to be delivered into, and this is something that The Safety Letterbox Company has focused on and offer to the market.
Our range of mail and parcel boxes are designed and manufactured with security features developed to maximise the level of security offered to the owner and recipient of the item being delivered. We offer a number of security accessories that can be combined with our products to maximise the amount of security offered around the mail aperture area.

Live in a shared accommodation or ‘multi-occupancy’ residence?

If you live in a shared accommodation or multi-occupancy residence (more than one household living in the same property) then you will typically see a bank of mailboxes located in the reception lobby area.
If you have a product which has been manufactured by ourselves – The Safety Letterbox Company, we can supply you with an additional security accessory which is called an ‘Mail Aperture Restrictor’.
The purpose of adding a mail aperture restrictor to a mailbox will reduce the height available for posting items to a minimum level whilst still allowing standard A4 sized mail to be posted, further enhancing the overall security of a post box whilst reducing the possibility of mail theft, identity fraud etc.
Please visit our Mail Aperture Restrictor web page now which contains information on how we can help to secure your mailbox to its maximum level.

Live in a single-occupancy residence?

If you live in a single-occupancy residential property (only one household living in a single property) then your mailbox will typically be fitted just outside of your property door, in an open area that is accessible to the general public.
It is therefore extremely important to ensure that your post box is as secure as possible. All of our mailboxes by The Safety Letterbox Company are designed and manufactured here in the UK and we test all models for security before going in to production.
As with all of our post boxes, you can add a retrospective ‘Mail Aperture Restrictor’ to your postbox ensuring that you maximise the security of your post box whilst still being able to access standard A4 size mail. Head over to the Mail Aperture Restrictor page now to get more information.

What is the price of mail box aperture restrictors?

The price of mail aperture restrictors vary depending on what mailbox model it is that you are using. Please use the form on Mail Aperture Restrictor web page and we will contact you with pricing and availability information.

No-obligation FREE consultation

We welcome the chance to discuss your project and we can share all that is current in terms of standards and product options totally free of charge.

Simply complete and submit the form and we will get back in touch WITHIN 24 HOURS to talk through your requirements.

We also provide Autocad drawings as required – it’s all part of the service!

Or drop us a quick email: [email protected]

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No-obligation FREE consultation

We welcome the chance to discuss your project and we can share all that is current in terms of standards and product options totally free of charge.

Simply complete and submit the form and we will get back in touch WITHIN 24 HOURS to talk through your requirements.

We also provide Autocad drawings as required – it’s all part of the service!

Or drop us a quick email: [email protected]

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