
The Safety Letterbox Company | Manufacturing Safely and responsibly

Safety Letterbox Company updates

As a responsible and established UK manufacturer, we continue to face daily challenges while negotiating our way through the days and weeks of uncertainty that comes with Covid-19. On the 17th March 2020, we announced that we were taking new measures to minimise disruption to the business while ensuring the safety of our employees and protecting the NHS.

We implemented many procedures to ensure that we were prepared for all aspects of this crisis. These measures involved protecting our workforce as much as possible, with the use of PPE, rigorous cleaning and hygiene rules, regular temperature checking, segregation, splitting shifts to minimise any opportunity for the virus to enter our building and spread. Any employees deemed to be high risk were removed or isolated from our working environment.
On 23rd March 2020, we implemented new measures due to the severity of the virus, which involved all our office team remote working from home and continuing to support our customers.
We had a robust contingency plan in place to minimise risk while maintaining business continuity throughout, this worked well, and as we continued into an ever-changing situation, we were continually evaluating all potential risks and considering how to mitigate them best.

As our Government and NHS were fighting this emergency and in our full support of them and the attempt to flatten the curve, we needed to act fast. We decided to temporarily close/pause the factory on 25th March 2020 in the hope that this would be a short-term decision.
Our business has experienced a significant impact in terms of sales and output, just like many other businesses. However, we remain incredibly grateful and respectful to the NHS and those key workers risking their lives to protect others. We also continue to be optimistic about the future of the business and have used this time wisely and proactively to prepare ourselves for recovery and the next phase.

Three weeks later, we are pleased to announce that we have a small skeleton team back in action in our factory as of Monday 20th April 2020, and are working strictly in accordance with the Public Health guidelines and the new 2-metre social distance Law. The letter to manufacturers from Alok Sharma coupled with the guidance and Law in Wales has meant we could produce precise guidelines regarding our manufacturing operation. The factory team are very much looking forward to getting back to work and finding their ‘new normal’.
The office team will continue to support our customers remotely for now, and the implemented methods and processes are proving to be working efficiently and productively. We will plan a phased return in line with Public health and Government guidelines.

For those with orders that have been temporarily on hold, our Sales team are getting in touch with all customers to offer clarity on production and delivery times, and to confirm site activity.
We thank you for your continued support, and we hope you, your families and colleagues continue to stay safe throughout this incredibly difficult time.

Latest update from the Safety Letterbox Company | Manufacturing resumes….safety is paramount.

Like many, our priority is to protect the safety and wellbeing of our staff, families, communities and customers. While trying to establish a suitable approach to maintain supplies to key locations.
We are fully supporting the government’s extension to the lockdown for the next three weeks, which is vital to help contain and tackle this virus. We fully endorse their actions and are eternally grateful to our government, the NHS and front-line workers who are keeping our country going.

As you are aware, the government is still encouraging the construction and manufacturing industries to be operational, which is where you absolutely cannot work from home, to continue going to work, safely and following strict safety guidelines to help maintain some form of a customer supply chain.

Many of our office team are operational at home with all departments working well. However, this is not feasible for our factory and as such, following a three-week closure of the factory, and after much planning and consideration, we have partially re-opened our factory from MONDAY 20TH APRIL 2020. Our operation is on a much-reduced scale. It is a delicate phased approach, in line with Public health and Government guidelines. We are ensuring the safety of our employees and customers is at the forefront of everything we do.
Please be patient as we work through our orders, while we do so you can be assured that we are operating safely with determination, patience and perseverance as responsible British manufacturers. We will liaise with all our customers throughout, and we will all work together to achieve a suitable outcome. We will strive to get through this unprecedented situation professionally with co-operation and resourcefulness.
We thank our customers for their valued support during this challenging time and for supporting British manufacturing.

Alison Orrells | CEO & Managing Director
Read previous updates from Alison here.

No-obligation FREE consultation

We welcome the chance to discuss your project and we can share all that is current in terms of standards and product options totally free of charge.

Simply complete and submit the form and we will get back in touch WITHIN 24 HOURS to talk through your requirements.

We also provide Autocad drawings as required – it’s all part of the service!

Or drop us a quick email: [email protected]

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No-obligation FREE consultation

We welcome the chance to discuss your project and we can share all that is current in terms of standards and product options totally free of charge.

Simply complete and submit the form and we will get back in touch WITHIN 24 HOURS to talk through your requirements.

We also provide Autocad drawings as required – it’s all part of the service!

Or drop us a quick email: [email protected]

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