
The Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing Visits SLB

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On Tuesday 22nd February 2022, The Safety Letterbox Company welcomed The Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing, Lynne Neagle, following the expansion into their new offices, in The Metal box, Neath.

The visit was to discuss Time to Change and Mental Health in the workplace and for the Deputy Minister to see how The Safety Letterbox Company had implemented changes since signing the pledge.

The Safety Letterbox Company signed the Time to Change pledge in August 2021 and since then, have trained 9 staff as mental health first aiders along with continuously improving workspaces, a huge investment into additional offices and continued investment into the manufacturing and production side of the business including new machinery and increased resources.

Alongside these impressive achievements, Safety Letterbox are also working towards creating a safe, open and highly communicative environment for their staff to thrive in, whist working towards removing the stigma of Mental Health in the workplace.

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Alison Orrells, Managing Director & CEO of The Safety Letterbox Company, said:

“We aim to create an open, supportive, and collaborative culture to enable people to shine and thrive, take ownership and to make a difference, this applies to everyone.

We aim to remove any stigma regarding Mental health in the workplace to enable us to support and provide the best we can for our employees enabling them to feel relaxed and able to do their job safely, comfortably, and successfully.

20% of our workforce are mental health first aiders, this is a commitment to enable us to be aware, help and support as best we can.

Signing the Time to change pledge highlights our commitment to mental health in the workplace to those within our business and anyone considering working with us. Everyone has mental health. We want people to be able to shine and do well, relaxed and focused in their role, in doing so that helps our business, therefore we need to do whatever we can to enable everyone to thrive.”

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Hannah Lewis, HR Manager at The Safety Letterbox Company LTD said:

“It was important to us as a company that we signed the Time to Change Pledge to show our employees, customers and clients how important the wellbeing and health of our employees is to us. It demonstrates how serious we take mental health within the organisation.

By signing the pledge and having senior members buy-in has helped promote a culture where mental health is discussed openly, where employees can talk to each other, and we all work together to create a safe and understanding environment.

We understand that our employees are the backbone to our business and its important to recognise their mental health and work at reducing the stigma behind it. As HR Manager it really makes me proud to be a part of a company that takes mental health seriously.”

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The Time to Change funding has been extending another three years, to improve and build on the incredible work that has already been achieved. Extended until 2025 and with an additional 1.4 million investment, the programme will focus on four key areas: partnerships; employers and the workplace; health and social care; and social marketing.

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Deputy Minister for Mental health and Wellbeing, Lynne Neagle, said:

“I am pleased we are able to provide further funding to help extend Time to Change Wales. The project is helping to end discrimination and encouraging people to have open and honest conversations about mental health. The four strands that Time to Change Wales supports provide great opportunities to share best practice across many parts of our daily life.

We know that the pandemic has had a disproportionate effect on those from Black and Minority Ethnic communities and I am pleased Time to Change Wales will focus on working with communities utilising this new funding.

Many of us spend a lot of our daily life at work so it’s essential we create working environments that support any ill health, whether mental or physical. I am pleased to hear the experience of Safety Letterbox Company and how Time to Change Wales has had a positive effect on their workforce and it’s fantastic to see such a huge commitment from them as an employer in support the wellbeing of their staff.

I hope the funding announced today will build on the momentum that Time to Change Wales has already achieved.”

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Alison signing pledge

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